Newman Studies Journal
The National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 21, Issue 2, Winter 2024, 138 pp.– ZUIJDWEGT Geertjan, Newmwan and the Age of Evidence, 5-26.– KAPLAN Grant, Newman’s Theology of Tradition Then and Now: A Historiographic Overview, 26-49.– WEISS Kai, … Continued
GEISSLER H., John Henry Newman. Un nuovo dottore della Chiesa?
Cantagalli, Siena 2024, 200 pp.
SIEBENROCK R.A., GEIER J. (Eds.), Wagnisse des Christseins
John Henry Newmans Weckrufe in die Realisierung des Glaubens heute. Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Ostfildern 2024, 284 pp.
GÖRRES I.F., John Henry Newman. A Life Sacrificed.
Edited with an introduction by Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz. Translated by Jennifer S. Bryson, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 2024, 291 pp.
PHILLIPS J., John Henry Newman and the English Sensibility.
Distant Scene. T&T Clark Studies in English Theology, London 2023, 138 pp.
Newman Studies Journal
The National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 21, Issue 1, Summer 2024, 160 pp.– HIRSCH Brayden, “Grand Words for a Common Thing”: Precursors to Grammar of Assent in Newman’s Early Classical Readings (1809-1826), 5-28.– ANDREWS Robert M., “What … Continued
CORONA M., The Philosophy of John Henry Newman and Pragmatism. A Comparison.
Foreword by Frederick D. Aquino The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C. 2023, 216 pp.
BEAUMONT K., John Henry Newman, le théologien comme guide spirituel
Amazon Italia Piemonte 2024, 423 pp.
LEVERING Matthew, Newman on Doctrinal Corruption
Word on Fire Academic, Park Ridge 2022, 434 pp.
PRZYWARA Erich, S.J., A Newman Synthesis
Angelico Press, Brooklyn 2021, 379 pp.