ANONYMOUS, Exclusion of Laity from central role cripples Irish Catholicism:
The Irish Times 5.3.1996.
The Irish Times 5.3.1996.
Newman (València) 19 (1996) 15-19.
Newmaniana, 19 (1996) 2-7.
Holy Land 16 (Summer 1996) 99-101.
L’Osservatore Romano 31 January 1996, 10.
La Nef Nr. 59 (1996) 26-27.
L’Osservatore Romano 31 maggio 1996, 6.
L’Osservatore Romano 7 Luglio 1996, 3.
La Terra Santa (Jerusalem) 1996, 34-35.
Experiment. Leben aus den Exerzitien (Wien) 3/1996, 17-20.