LINDLEY Dwight A., The Liberal Tradition in question: Anthropology and Epistemology in the thought of George Eliot and John Henry Newman.
University of Dallas, 2011, 240 p.
University of Dallas, 2011, 240 p.
S.a. Eunsa, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra 2011, p. 180. ISBN: 9788431327675.
L’idea di preghiera nel pensiero di John Henry Newman. L’Osservatore Romano, lunedì-martedì 30-31 maggio 2011, 4.
Etudes, 414/6 (juin 2011) 785-795.
The Heythrop Journal. 52. (2011/3) 399-409.
Recusant History, 30 (2011/3) 461-483.
Vol. IV: The Church and Miscellaneous Sermons at St Mary’s and Littlemore, Ed. by Francis J McGrath, Clarendon Press, Oxford 2011, 416 p. ISBN 978-0-19-920091-7.
Editions Lethielleux, Paris 2011, (Actes du Colloque aux Bernardins, Paris, le 14 octobre 2010), 114 p.
Lexington Books, Lanham 2011, p. 123.
Une poétique de la sainteté. Kephas, Janvier-Mars, Angers 2011, 11-22.