BRENT A., The Hermesian Dimension to the Newman-Perrone Dialogue.
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Ephemerides Theologicæ Lovanienses, LXI (1985/4) 73 – 99.
Angelicum, LXII (1985) 245 – 281.
Halcyon (1985/7) 31 – 39.
The Catholic University of America, Washington 1985, 520 p.
Victorian Studies, Vol. 28 (Spring, 1985) 3, 473-490.
Diss. Phil., University of Oxford, 1985, vi, 282 p.
Scottish Journal of Theology 38 (1985) 3, 347-368.
Patristic and Byzantine Review, 4 (1985) 1, 39-50.
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Dimension Books, Denville 1984, p. 376.