LAMADRID L., Befriending the Past: A Study of the Idea of Tradition in the Theology of John Henry Newman and Nicholas Lash.
Duke University, 1996, 348 p.
James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 33 (Summer, 1996) 4, 593-603.
American Academy of Religion, Reflection and Theory in the Study of Religion, Number 10, Scholars Press, Atlanta, Georgia 1996, 203 pp.
The Columba Press, Blackrock (Co. Dublin) 1996, 216 pp.
Gracewing, Leominster 1996, vii + 325pp.
Fount Paperbacks, Harper Collins Publishers, London 1996, 262 pp.
A Basis for His Phenomenology of Belief, Diss. Saint Louis Univ., 1996, 335 pp.
Diss. Catholic University of America 1996, 505 pp.
Homiletic and Pastoral Review (New York) 96 (6/1996) 61-64.
Recusant History (Durham) 23 (1996) 219-227.