EDGECOMBE R. St., The interstitial character of cardinal Newman’s meditations and devotions.
Prose Studies, Vol. 16 (1993) 3, 193-212.
Prose Studies, Vol. 16 (1993) 3, 193-212.
Saint Louis University, 1993, 449 p.
A Brief History and Guide 1793-1993. Archdiocese of Birmingham Historical Commission Publication Number 9, Oxford University Press 1993, 46 pp.
A Further Chapter of Modern Church History. Gracewing: Fowler Wright Books, Herefordshire 1993, 281 pp.
A Bibliography of Secondary and Lesser Primary Sources. Supplement. ATLA Bibliography Series, No.24, The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Metuchen 1993, ix + 303 pp.
Peter Lang Publishing, New York 1993,204 pp.
New City Press, New Rochelle, NY 1993, 96 pp.
The Spirituality of John Henry Newman. Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd, London 1993, vii + 128 pp.
T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1993, 154 pp.
Traduzione dall’inglese a cura di Giovanni IAMARTINO, Letture Cristiane del Secondo Millennio 13, Edizioni Paoline, Milano 1993, 212 pp.