NEWSOME D., The Convert Cardinals. John Henry Newman and Henry Edward Manning.
John Murray, London 1993, xii + 418 pp.
John Murray, London 1993, xii + 418 pp.
The Wilberforces and Henry Manning. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids 1993, 585 pp. Reprint. (First published by John Murray, London 1966).
Foreword by The Rt Revd Graham LEONARD. T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1993, xxii + 186 pp.
Lanham 1991, x + 468 pp. Reprint. (First Published by The Macmillan Company, Collier-Macmillan Ltd., London 1969).
The Canterbury Press. Norwich 1993,438 pp.
Foreword by Dr Mary Tanner, St Pauls 1993, 158 pp.
A Fundamental-theological Study of John Henry Newman’s Notion of First Prinicipals, D.Th., Università Gregoriana, Roma 1993.
Its Origins, Development and Culmination. University of Exeter (England) 1993.
Classical Bulletin 69 (1993) 1, 17-20.
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 69 (1993) 335-353.