EDWARDS J. P., Eucharist: Actualizing the sacramentality of the world. Reassessing sanctification in the Second Vatican Council, the writings of John Henry Newman and Karl Rahner.
Villanova University, 2006, 116 pp.
Grazer Philosophische Studien 71 (2006) 117-138.
Religious Studies 33 (2006) 2, 187-201.
A Different Kind of Monk. Gracewing, London 2006, 538 pp.
Real View Books, Port Huron 2006, 260 pp.
A Reading of Parochial Sermons. Peter Lang Publishing, New York 2006, 141 pp.
published by KAWANAKA Naoko, Kyoyusha, Japan 2006, 295 pp.
Introduced & translated by N. GREGORIS, Gracewing-Newman House Press, Herefordshire – Mount Pocono 2006, 94 pp.
Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, Tesi dottorale, Roma-Santa Croce 2006, 221 pp.
A Theological Reflection in the Light of John Henry Newman’s Prayers to the Paraclete. Extractum ex Diss. ad Doctoratum, Roma, Urbaniana 2006, 207 pp.