ATHI R., Newman: A Proposal for Lifelong Education.
Christian Higher Education, 2 (2003) 3, 285-301.
Christian Higher Education, 2 (2003) 3, 285-301.
Horizons Vol. 30 (Spring 2003) 1, 144-146.
Universidad de Navarra (Spain), 2003, 339 p.
A Systematic Study of Friedrich Schleiermacher, John Henry Newman, Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J. and Edward Farley, Boston College, 2003, 380 p.
University of Notre Dame Press, IN/Gracewing, Leominster 2003, 288 pp.
Darton, 2nd edition, Longman & Todd, London 2003, 498 pp.
Newman, Hopkins, Belloc, Chesterton, Greene, Waugh. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame 2003, 248 pp.
The Foundation of Newman’s Ecclesiological Thought. ila palma, Palermo 1997, 163. pp.
Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Romae 2003, 170 pp.
Extr.-Doctorate, Pont. Univ. Lateranense., Rome 2003, 224 pp.