NEWMAN J.H., Meditations on the Stations of the Cross.
Catholic Truth Society, London 1990, 24 pp.
Catholic Truth Society, London 1990, 24 pp.
Edited by K. and G. DEAN, The Thomas More Press, Chicago 1990, 115 pp.
Edited by V.F. BLEHL, The Oratory, Birmingham 1990, V+33 pp.
Edited by I. KER. Collins, London 1990, viii+280 pp.
Edited with Introduction and Notes by H.D. WEIDNER, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1990, Lxxix+416 pp.
Published by International Centre of Newman Friends, Rome 1990, 36 pp.
Introduction by Ph. HUGHES, Image Books, Doubleday, New York 1989, 440 pp.
Compiled by R. VAN DE WEYER and P. SAUNDERS, Marshall Morgan & Scott, London 1989, 97 pp.
(Reprint 1888.) Introduction by I. KER, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame IN 1989, xxvii + 445 pp.
Selected and Introduced by A. N. WILSON. S.P.C.K, London 1989, xvii + 198 pp.