LENSEL D., Le Centre international des amis de Newman, un chemin pour l’unité des chrétiens:
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L’Homme Nouveau, 18 mai 1997, 5.
Nova et Vetera, marzo-aprile 1997, 7.
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J.H. Newman and “Well-Being”. M.G. BROCK and M.C. CURTHOY, (edd.), Nineteenth Century Oxford, Part 1., Oxford University Press 1997, 288-305.
L’Osservatore Romano, 7 luglio 1997, 6.
Downside Review 114 (January 1996) 394, 1-18.
The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 1 (1996) 5, 1694-1704.
James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 33 (Summer, 1996) 4, 593-603.