LEWIS G. K., From Faith to Skepticsm; A Note on Three Apologetics.
The Journal of Politics, Vol. 13 (May, 1951) 2, 164-186.
The Journal of Politics, Vol. 13 (May, 1951) 2, 164-186.
Journal of General Education (Chicago) (1950) 269 – 279.
Modern Philology, Vol. 47 (Nov., 1949) 2, 108-116.
Theology Today, vol. 6 (April 1949) 1, 77-90.
The University of Texas Studies in English, Vol. 28 (1949) 213-243.
Theological Studies, 10 (1949) 4, 565-573.
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The Irish Monthly, Vol. 75 (May 1947) 887, 185-194.
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