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(Meditations and Devotions) FIGLIE DI SAN PAOLO (ed.), Catechistico Paolino, Roma 1982, p. 23.
(Extract) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca 1982, pp. 9–52.
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Dimension Books, Denville, New Jersey 1982, p. XIX, 468.
ed. SVAGLIC M. J., University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana 1982, p. XLVII, 428.
(Meditations and Devotions) ed. MORERA M. Cuadernos, Vol. 81, Palabra, Madrid 1982, p. 144.
Jaca Book – Morcelliana, Milano, Brescia 1982, p. 406.
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Chatto & Windus, London 1982, p. 160.