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Jezykowy obraz prawdy w kazaniach Parochial and Plain Sermons (1834-1843) Johna Henry’ego Newmana. [The linguistic view of truth in Parochial and Plain Sermons (1834-1843) by John Henry Newman] In: W: Cierniak U. (ed.). W poszukiwaniu prawdy. Chrzescijanska Europa miedzy wiara … Continued
in: Patristique et oecuménisme. Beauchesne 2010, pp. 263-282.
Verzendboekhandel Colomba, Oegstgeest 2010, 228 p.
in : Etudes Newmaniennes Vol 26, Lyon 2010, pp. 9-66
in : Etudes Newmaniennes Vol 26, Lyon 2010, 67-78.
in : Etudes Newmaniennes Vol 26, Lyon 2010, 79-98.
(trad. du préface de : An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, Editions Doubleday, New York 1955.) in : Etudes Newmaniennes Vol 26, Lyon 2010, pp. 99-111.
in: Etudes Newmaniennes Vol 26, Lyon 2010, pp. 113-120.