MORALES MARIN J., Newman y los Padres de la Iglesia,
AMIGOS DE NEWMAN EN LA ARGENTINA (eds.), Newmaniana (Tigre) año IV, (Diciembre 1994), pp. 37-42;
AMIGOS DE NEWMAN EN LA ARGENTINA (eds.), Newmaniana (Tigre) año IV, (Diciembre 1994), pp. 37-42;
AMIGOS DE NEWMAN EN LA ARGENTINA (eds.), Newmaniana (Tigre) año IV, (Diciembre 1994), pp. 43-48.
ENGLISH LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE, Special Issue: Newman and University Education, Sophia University (Tokyo) 1994, pp. 3-10.
ENGLISH LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE, Special Issue: Newman and University Education, Sophia University (Tokyo) 1994, pp. 11-46.
ENGLISH LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE, Special Issue: Newman and University Education, Sophia University (Tokyo) 1994, pp. 47-59.
MAGILL G. (Ed.), Personality and Belief. Interdisciplinary Essays on John Henry Newman, University Press of America, Lanham 1994, pp. xi-xviii;
MAGILL G. (Ed.), Personality and Belief. Interdisciplinary Essays on John Henry Newman, University Press of America, Lanham 1994, pp. 3-24;
MAGILL G. (Ed.), Personality and Belief. Interdisciplinary Essays on John Henry Newman, University Press of America, Lanham 1994, pp. 25-41;
MAGILL G. (Ed.), Personality and Belief. Interdisciplinary Essays on John Henry Newman, University Press of America, Lanham 1994, pp. 43-52;
MAGILL G. (Ed.), Personality and Belief. Interdisciplinary Essays on John Henry Newman, University Press of America, Lanham 1994, pp. 53-62;