REIDY J., Newman as a Master of the Spirit.
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 8 (Fall 2005) 4, 64-85.
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 8 (Fall 2005) 4, 64-85.
Nouvelle Cité, Montrouge 2005, 126 pp.
série: Petite vie de, Desclées de Brouwer, Paris 2005, 181 pp.
Gracewing, Herefordshire 2005, 228 pp.
Real View Books, Port Huron 2005 pp. 416.
Family Publications, Oxford 2005, 176 pp.
od pierwszych badan do przystapienia do Kosciola rzymskokatolickiego (1816-1845), (L’idea della Chiesa in J. H. Newman dai primi studi all’adesione al Cattolicesimo). Sandomierz 2005, 336 pp.
Gracewing, Herefordshire 2005, 308 pp.
John Henry Newman and Protestant Britain 1845-c.1890. T.& T. Clark Publishers Ltd., New York 2005, 256 pp.
, Manuscript – Doctorate (DEA), Paris 2005, 175 pp.