SHRIMPTON P.A., John Henry Newman and the Oratory School, 1857-72:
the foundation of a Catholic public school by converts from the Oxford Movement. Institute of Education, University of London, London 2000, 342 pp.
the foundation of a Catholic public school by converts from the Oxford Movement. Institute of Education, University of London, London 2000, 342 pp.
Salesianum LXII (2000), 331-351, 433-456.
Rivista Liturgica LXXXVII (2000), 243-270.
Etudes Newmaniennes Nº 16 (2000), 71-108.
rapports entre «savoir profane» et foi chrétienne. Etudes Newmaniennes Nº 16 (2000), 55-68.
New Blackfriars 81 (2000), 412 – 431.
International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (2000), 61 – 171.
The Newman Rambler Vol. 4, No. 2 (Summer 2000), 13-22.
Newmaniana 30 (2000) 12-23.
Newmaniana 31 (2000) 10 – 23.