CAPPS D., Newman’s truth: irony and metaphors of the self in the “Apologia”:
Religion and Literature 29 (1997/2) 1-25.
Religion and Literature 29 (1997/2) 1-25.
Newmaniana 21 (1997) 2-4.
Newmaniana 22 (1997) 7-21.
Louvain Studies 22 (1997) 59-84.
The Newman Rambler 1 (1997) 16-19.
Newmaniana 22 (1997) 22-27.
Diálogo Ecuménico 32 (1997), 49 – 65.
Pacifica 10 (1997), 84 – 92.
The Thomist 3 (1997) 424 – 476.