MORGAN D., Hermeneutical aspects of John Henry Newman’s Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine.
Horizons 16 (Fall 1989) no 2, 223-242.
Horizons 16 (Fall 1989) no 2, 223-242.
Matthias- Grünewald-Verlag, Mainz 1989, 202 pp.
Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Rome 1989 pp. 493.
Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Rome 1989 pp. 451.
De profetische visie van J. H. Newman. Altiora -Averbode, Helmond 1989, 257 pp.
Becoming a Discriminating Reader. Peter Lang, New York 1989, x + 218 pp.
Traduit par S. Dayras et C. d’Haussy, Préface de J. Guitton, Les Editions du Cerf, Paris 1989, XVI + 160 pp.
Ksi?garnia ?w. Wojciecha. Poznán 1989, 248 pp.
Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989, 191 pp.
Lannoo, Tielt 1989, 158 pp.