Newman Studies Journal
vol 6/2 Fall 2009, National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA.
vol 6/2 Fall 2009, National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA.
Peter Lang Verlag, Band 18, Frankfurt a. Main 2009, p. 267.
Colección: El Camino de Damasco, n° 5, Edibesa, Madrid 2009, p. 223.
Ecumenical Trends 38/8 (September 2009): 1-5, 15. 113-117, 127.
Homily at Mass for the 150th Anniversary of the foundation of The Oratory School, Westminster Cathedral, 2nd May 2009, Friends of Cardinal Newman, Summer 2009, pp. 4-5
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009, p. xvii+289.
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009, (reissue from 1990), pp. 784.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 83 (2009) 2, 201-218.
Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses 85 (2009) 1, 159-168.
Irish Theological Quarterly, 74 (2009) 202-223.