FRIES H., BIEMER G. (Eds.), Christliche Heiligkeit als Lehre und Praxis nach John Henry Newman.

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Internationale Cardinal-Newman-Studien XII. Bd. Introd.: FRIES H., BIEMER G., regio, Glock und Lutz, Sigmaringendorf 1988, pp. 314.
BIEMER G., Eröffnungsansprache, pp. 11 – 13.
JOHANNES PAUL II, Grußtelegramm, pp. 13
HOLMES D.J., Newman a Saint. Historical Perspectives, pp. 17 – 20.
COUVE DE MURVILLE M., John Henry Newman’s Teaching on Christian Holiness, pp. 21 – 26.
BLEHL V.F., Newman’s Personal Endeavour as a Catholic to Follow the ‘Light’ and the, ‘Call’, pp. 27 – 34
SEYNAEVE J., Holy Scripture as ‘First Principle’ in Newman’s Teaching on Christian, Holiness, pp. 35 – 42.
STRANGE R., Newman and Athanasius on Divinization, pp. 43 – 51
FRANK K.S., John Henry Newman und der Heilige Chrysostomus, pp. 52 – 64.
MURRAY P., Newman’s Concept of Holiness according to St. Benedict, pp. 65 – 72
KENT J., Holiness and Heroism: Newman and Thérèse de Lisieux, pp. 73 – 82.
CONZEMIUS V., Lord Acton, Ignaz von Döllinger und John Henry Newman: Lebenssituationen, und Kirchenkonflikte, pp. 83 – 102.
BERGER T., Lyra Apostolica. Programmatic Poetry of Early Tractarianism – Prayer-Book,
pp. 103 – 116.
JENKINS A.H., The Meaning of the Lyra Apostolica and the Genesis of ‘Lead Kindly Light’, pp. 117 – 135.
BOYCE P., Holiness – The Purpose of Life according to Newman, pp. 136 – 147.
MORALES J.M., Newman’s Ideal of Holiness in the World, pp. 148 – 159.
FRIES H., Newmans Bedeutung für das Heiligkeitsstreben des Christen, pp. 160 – 172.
BIEMER G., Die Pädagogischen, Ethischen und Religiösen Voraussetzungen der Heiligkeit, nach Newman, pp. 173 – 188.
CULHANE M., Conversion – Its Nature and Extent according to Newman, pp. 189 – 197.
GOVAERT L., An Ideal of Holiness: Newman’s Devotion to Our Lady, pp. 198 – 206.
CROSBY J.F., Christliche Heiligkeit als Einheit von scheinbaren Gegensätzen, Die Lehre und das Zeugnis John Henry Newmans, pp. 207 – 218.
ROWELL G., Newman’s Pastoral Advice for a Sincere Christian Life in the Anglican Years, according to His ‘Letters and Diaries’, pp. 219 – 233.
SUGG J., Newman’s Pastoral Advice for a Sincere Christian as a Roman Catholic, according to His ‘Letters and Diaries’, pp. 234 – 246.
TATSUMI T., Holiness or Peace from a Japanese Viewpoint, pp. 247 – 253.
COULSON J., Impromptu Introduction to the Concluding Seminar, pp. 254 – 259.

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