The National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 18, Issue 1, Summer 2021, 196 pp.
– ARNOLD Claus, Newman’s Reception in Germany: From Döllinger to Ratzinger, 5-23.
– LEVERING Mathew, Froude, Newman, and Doctrinal Corruption, 24-55.
– BUTTACI Jonathan, Aristotle and Newman on the Concreteness of Theoretical Knowing, 56-83.
– LUZZARAGA Ramon, The Charism of Companionship: John Henry Newman’s Adventure in Religious Life, 84-94.
– WALKER Austin, “That Blessed Spirit in a bodily Shape”: Institutional Holiness and CorporAte Personality in John Henry Newman’s Thought, 95-111.
– BUDD Ryan Patrick, John Henry Newman’s “Universality Principle”, William James, and Religious Assent, 112-125.
– FABRO Cornelio, trans. Joshua Fernal, The Relevance of the Ecclesial Message of Newman and Kierkegaard, 126-150.