Newman Studies Journal

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National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, vol 10/1 Spring 2013. p. 102.

-FORD J.T., Editorial Preface, 3-4.
-TILLMAN M. K.: John Henry Newman: Wordly Wisdom and Holy Wisdom, 5-14.
-CASE B., “Notions” and “Things” in John Henry Newman’s Grammar of Assent, 15-27.
SHEA C. M., The “French Newman”: Louis Bautain’s Philosophy of Faith, Reason, and Development and the Thought of John Henry Newman, 28-40.
-FORD J. T., John Henry Newman: Conversion as Inference, 41-55.
-MILLER E. J., The Church “Superintends” The University “What, Then, Does Dr. Newman Mean”?, 56-67.
-KELLY ST., A History of John Henry Newman’s Archival Papers, 68-81.
– ZUIJDWEGT G., Richard Whately’s Influence On John Henry Newman’s Oxford University Sermons on Faith and Reason (1839-1840), 82-95.