CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY, Saint John Henry Newman, His Life and Works
with a Foreword by Fr Ignatius Harrison, London 2019, pp. 182
SCHWADERLAPP T., Das dichterische Werk von John Henry Newman, Theologie seiner Gedichte.
Dissertazione per il Dottorato nella Facoltà die Teologia della Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma 2018, pp. 482
STRANGE R., Newman. The Heart of Holiness.
Hodder and Stoughton, London 2019, 149 pp.
SAGASTEGUI URTEAGA D. M., John Henry Newman. Para creer hoy, hay que querer.
Demdel, Colección “Cultura y Fe”, Arlon 2019, 380 pp.
BASSET B., Newman at Littlemore
New, updated edition with a foreword by Bishop Robert Byrne CO. Gracewing, Leominster 2019, 95 pp.
Newman Studies Journal
The National Institute for Newman Studies, Vol. 15, 1 Summer 2018, 101 pp.
CAVALLER F.M., Los principios teológicos en las obras de J. H. Newman.
Conferencia, Dominican House of Studies, Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C., 19 November 2018, Newmaniana XXIX, no. 75, Buenos Aires, July 2019, pp. 30-45.
CAVALLER F.M., Newman y las bellas artes.
Newmaniana XXVIII, no. 73-74, Buenos Aires, November 2018, pp. 24-69.
Newman Studies Journal
The National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 15, 2 Fall 2018, 86 pp.
CAVALLER F.M., Los principios del cristianesimo.
Una Teología Fundamental según Newman. Agape Libros, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2018, 542 pp.