NEWMAN John Henry, Via media. Volumen II
Traducción, introducción y notas: José Gabriel Rodríguez Pazos, Centro de Estudios Orientales y Ecuménicos “Juan XXIII”, Salamanca, 2019.
OLSZANOWSKI P., The Dialogue of Faith, Reason and Conscience in John Henry Newman’s Quest for Moral Truth
Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin 2018, 354 pp.
ASSOCIATION FRANCOPHONE DES AMIS, Newman prédicateur, 9 sermons catholiques inédits, Etudes Newmaniennes N° 34 – 2018
Artège Lethielleux, Paris 2019, 185 pp,
GEORGE M., The Triumph of Failure
Salesian Publications, Vennala 2018, 439 pp.
PRATT MORRIS-CHAPMAN Daniel John, Scepticism, Truth and Religious Belief in the Thought of John Henry Newman: a Contribution to Contemporary Debate
Doctorate Dissertation, University of Bristol, Faculty of Arts, School of Humanities, Department of Religion and Theology, Bristol 2014, 346 pp.
SSEKABIRA Charles Lwanga, The Church as the Pillar and Foundation of the Conscientious Judgement of an Individual Catholic in John Henry Newman’s Teaching on Conscience as a Subjective Capacity for the Objective Truth,
Tesi di Dottorato estratto, Pont. Università S. Croce, Facoltà di Teologia, Roma 2018, 227 pp.
STEEVES N., Grâce à l’imagination. Intégrer l’imagination en théologie fondamentale
Les Éditions du Cerf, Paris 2016, 454 pp.
SAWYER B., The Divine Indwelling according to Johann Adam Möhler and John Henry Newman
Tesi di Licenza, Pont. Università Gregoriana, Facoltà di Teologia, Roma, Anno Accademico 2016-2017, 111 pp.
UNO K., Japanese Catholic Intellectuals and Newman Studies
Academica Press, Washington D.C. 2017, 214 pp.
NEWMAN J.H., An Essay on The Development of Christian Doctrine
With an introduction, Notes and Textual Appendices by J. Tolhurst DD, Gracewing, Leominster 2018, 570 pp.