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Methuen and Co., London 1891, 251 pp.
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Castelvecchi, Roma 2018, 80 pp.
MARTINDALE C.-C., Uit de ziel van Kardinaal Newman.
S.V. de Vlaamsche Boekenhalle, Leuven 1924, 199 pp.
SUROWIEC P.R., Znamiona Kościoła w wybranych pismach Johna Henry’ego Newmana (1833-1845).
Praca magisterska napisana, Lublin-Sandomierz 2017, 139 pp.
Nyuykongmo G. J., A laity who knows their religion.
The theological education of the laity in John Henry Newman. Foreword by Fr Hermann Geissler FSO, Demdel, Arlon 2018, 203 pp.
Bulmann U., Auf der Suche nach dem gnädigen Gott.
Thomas Möllenbeck nimmt Newmans Grundlagenwerk zur Rechtfertigung neu in den Blick, Die Tagespost, 25. Januar 2018, p. 13.
MÖLLENBECK Th., „Das wäre ja nur eine halbe Offenbarung, oder sogar nur ein Viertel”
John Henry Newmans inklusive Deutung des sola-scriptur-Prinzips, IKaZ 46 (2017), pp. 614-630.
SHORT E., Newman and History
With a Foreword by Professor J.J. Scarisbrick, Gracewing, Leominster 2017, 364 pp.
Newman Studies Journal
The National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, vol 15 Issue 2 (Fall 2017), 92 pp.
BERTRAM J., Newman and the Oxford Oratory
Attempts in the 1860s to found an Oratory in Oxford and how they were frustrated for 125 years. 2012, 260 pp.