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L’Osservatore Romano, CLVI (20 agosto 2016), 189, p. 4.
DECHANT M.-B., Newman and Littlemore – his love for the poor.
Newsletter of the Friends of Cardinal Newman, Summer 2016, 17-23. full text
CONLEY P., Newman, Letters and Life-writing: “the charm of reality”.
The Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter, Summer 2016, p. 8-11.
SHEA M., From Implicit and Explicit Reason to Inference and Assent: The Significance of John Henry Newman’s Seminary Studies in Rome.
The Journal of Theological Studies, NS, 2016, 29 p.
CAROLA J., La metodologia patristica nella teologia preconciliare dell’Ottocento.
Gregorianum 97 (2016) 3, 605-617.
MARCHETTO M., John Henry Newman. Identità, alterità, persona.
Pubblicazioni edite da Carocci 2016, Collana: Biblioteca di testi e studi, pp.104, ISBN: 9788843080809.
CEBULA P., Koncepcja cudu Johna Henry’ego Newmana na tle antytaumaturgicznego argumentu Davida Hume’a (John Henry Newman on miracles in the context of David Hume’s Anti-Thaumaturgical argument).
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne 35 (2016) 1, 51-65.
LEMNA K., Newman and Bouyer on Sacrifice and Apologetics.
New Blackfriars 97 (July 2016) n° 1010, 447-464.
MESZAROS A., Some Neo-Scholastic Receptions of Newman on Doctrinal Development.
Gregorianum 97 (2016) 1, 123-150.
GEISSLER H., Über die christliche Hoffnung. Gedanken aus Predigten von John Henry Newman.
L’Osservatore Romano, Wochenausgabe in deutscher Sprache, Jhg. 46 (18. März 2016), 11, 10-11.