Newman Studies Journal
National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, vol 11, 2 Fall 2014. 66 p.
HURLEY J. P., Newman and Twentieth-Century French Theology. The presence of J. H. Newman in Y. M. Congar, H. de Lubac and J. Daniélou.
Cuadernos doctorales de la Facultad de Teología Excerpta e Dissertationibus in Sacra Theologia, Pamplona 2014, Vol. LXI, n. 1, 7-87.
ELAMPARAYIL J., John Henry Newman. Reason and Beauty of Catholicism.
Carmel International Publ. House, Trivandrum, Kerala 2014, 160 p.
GEISSLER H., Saint Paul’s Apostolic Zeal: Cardinal Newman’s Perspective.
Faith, vol 46 (November and December 2014) 9-11.
THUREAU-DANGIN P., Newman católico. A fidelidade na provação.
trad., HULSHOF M., cultor de livros, São Paolo 2014, 138 p.
FROSINI G., John Henry Newman – Una biografia teologica.
Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, Bologna 2014, p. 264.
Etudes Newmaniennes, «Newman théologien ?».
Vol 30, Association Française des Amis de John Henry Newman, Paris 2014, 323 pp.
EGUIRÓN VIDARTE J., La santidad de la Iglesia en el pensamiento eclesiológico de John Henry Newman.
Thesis ad Doctoratum in Sacra Theologia, Pont. Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Romae 2014, 280 p.
ISANGA BALIGEYA J., The Foundation of Faith in the Thought of Cardinal John Henry Newman and Alvin Plantinga.
Theses ad Doctoratum in Philosophia, Pont. Universitas Lateranensis, Romae 2014, 232 p.
MAGILL G., Religious Morality in John Henry Newman: Hermeneutics of the Imagination
Springer; 2015 edition (September 25, 2014), 231 p. ISBN-13: 978-3319102702, ISBN-10: 3319102702.