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Theses ad Doctoratum in Philosophia, Pont. Universitas Lateranensis, Romae 2014, 232 p.
MAGILL G., Religious Morality in John Henry Newman: Hermeneutics of the Imagination
Springer; 2015 edition (September 25, 2014), 231 p. ISBN-13: 978-3319102702, ISBN-10: 3319102702.
BEAUMONT K., Dieu intérieur – La théologie spirituelle de John Henry Newman.
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Journal of Anglican Studies 12 (2014) 1, 7-36.
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CONLEY P. J., St Philip, Blessed John Henry and the Gospel of Joy.
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CONNOLLY J. R., Newman and Life in the Spirit: Theological Reflections on Spirituality for Today.
HUGHES Brian W., (Ed.), Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2014, 236 p.
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DEAVEL D. P., Second Thoughts: Newman on Political and Economic Liberty.
Journal of Markets & Morality. Vol. 17 (Fall 2014) 2, 429–443.
MORRIS-CHAPMAN D.J., Scepticism, Truth and Religious Belief in the Thought of John Henry Newman: A Contribution to Contemporary Debate.
Dissertation, University of Bristol, Department of Religion and Theology, August 2014, 356 pp.