Etudes Newmaniennes, «Newman et la Bible ».
Actes du Colloque int., Association Française des Amis de John Henry Newman, Vol 29, Paris 2013, 258 pp.
SOLARI G., John Henry Newman et Ambrose St John. Cor ad cor loquitur.
Communio, n° XXXVIII (Septembre-octobre 2013) 5, 89-101.
NEWMAN J. H., Apologia pro Vita Sua. Geschichte meiner religiösen Überzeugung.
Hsgr. G. GEIRHOS, Media Maria Verlag, Illertissen 2013 (2. Auflage), 448 pp.
NEWMAN J. H., Meditations and Devotions Of the Late Cardinal Newman.
(Japanese), Chisen Shokan 2013, p. 250.
PARKER K. L., SHEA Ch. M., Johann Adam Möhler’s Influence on John Henry Newman’s Theory of Doctrinal Development. The Case for a Reappraisal.
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. 89 (2013) 1, 73-95.
CONLEY P. J., Newman, Creation and the Grace of Ageing.
Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter, Winter 2013, 13-14.
MITCHELL R. O., John Wesley and John Henry Newman on the Nature of Ecclesial Authority.
Southern Methodist University 2013, 226 pp.
PILLAY G. J., L’Idea di università in J.H. Newman.
Collana: Le cattedre di Sophia, Città Nuova 2013.
CHINLIANKHUP St., Inculturation in the Postmodern Context in Conversation with John Henry Newman and Ignacio Ellacuría. II.,
Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, New Delhi, vol. 77 (April 2013) 4, 52-65.
GÖRRES I. F.: Zur geistigen Gestalt von John Henry Newman : ein Entwurf – Herbst 1948.
Klerusblatt 93 (2013) 1, 8-11.