Newman Studies Journal
National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, vol 10/2 Fall 2013, p. 114.
MCINTOSH M., God as First Truth, the Will’s Good and Faith’s Cause: The Theology of Faith and Newman’s University Sermons.
International Journal of Systematic Theology, 15 (October 2013) 4, 416–436.
THOMASSET A., L’acte de foi chez Newman. Quelques étapes de sa théorie de l’assentiment.
Nouvelle Revue Théologique, 135 (2013) 397-415.
BRADY C., James Anthony Froude: An Intellectual Biography of a Victorian Prophet.
New York. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013, 520 p.
SHORT E., Newman and His Family.
Bloomsbury T&T Clark, London, New York 2013, 425 p., ISBN 978-0-567-10434-2.
FRIDAY J.R., Problems and Possibilities of Religious Experience as a Category for Inter-Religious Dialogue: Intimations from Newman and Lonergan.
The Heythrop Journal, 54 (September 2013) 5, 796–812.
GALLAGHER M. P., Hacia una nueva pre-evangelización: Reflexiones para el Año de la Fe.
Razón y Fe, tomo 268 (septiembre 2013) n° 1379, 117-128.
KORITENSKY A., Der frühe John Henry Newman über Glaube und Vernunft.
Theologie und Philosophie 88 (2013) 2, 236-260.
LEGGETT D., William Froude, John Henry Newman and Scientific Practice in the Culture of Victorian Doubt.
The English Historical Review, Vol. 128 (2013) 532, 571-595.