HONORÉ J., Newman tel qu’en lui-même.
L’Édition du Cerf, Paris 2012, p. 207.
LATTIER D. J., John Henry Newman and Georges Florovsky: An Orthodox-Catholic dialogue on the Development of Doctrine.
Dissertation. Duquesne University, 2012. 323 p.
ORSUTO D ., Ehe- und Familienleben als Schule der Liebe bei John Henry Newman
in: Das Herz spricht zum Herzen. Reflexionen über die Ehe (BRENNINKMEIJER-WERHAHN A., DEMMER K. (Hg), Herder, Freiburg 2012, 226-236.
BROWN St. J., NOCKLES P. B., (eds.) The Oxford Movement. Europe and the Wider World 1830-1930.
Cambridge University Press 2012, 273 p.
DE BERRANGER O., Devenir catholique: Newman.
Communio, (novembre-décembre 2012) 77-86. ISBN 978-915111-45-3.
GEISSLER H., Das Zeugnis der Gläubigen in Lehrfragen nach John Henry Newman.
Intern. Kath. Zeitschrift Communio 41 (November-Dezember 2012), 669-683.
NEWMAN J.H., Sermons 1824-1843, Volume V: Sermons Preached at St Clement’s, Oxford: 1824-1826 and Two Charity Sermons: 1827.
Ed. by Francis J McGrath, Clarendon Press, Oxford 2012, 567 p. ISBN 978-0-19-920092-4.
BONVEGNA G., Per un approccio storico alla santità di John Henry Newman.
Polifemo 12 (2012) 563-577. http://www.polifemo.info/index2012.html (indice dell’annata 2012)
MARCHETTO M., La riflessione antropologia di John Henry Newman.
Prospettiva persona, 80 (2012) 14-17.
The Legacy of John Henry Newman. Essays for the Beatification.
Edited by James Mirabal. With a homily by Pope Benedict XVI. Papers from seminars on John Henry Newman held at Grandpont House May to July 2010. ISBN 978 0 9522167 1 1, Grandpont Papers, 2012, 112 pp.