OLIVE M. M., L’annonciation: l’aurore d’un monde nouveau.
Revue du Rosaire LXI (1981) 8, 237 – 245.
PATRICK J., Newman, Pugin, and Gothic.
Victorian Studies 24 (Winter 1981) 2, 185-207.
PAUL VI, Paul VI et Newman. (Allocution du 07.04.1975).
Vives Flammes: Editions du Carmel. 133 (1981) 6, 213.
STACPOOLE A., Newman and the Gospel of Christ.
New Blackfriars LXII 732 (1981) 6, 279 – 285.
STARK A. The Ecumenical Aspect of Cardinal Newman’s Cause.
The Ransomer XXVII (1981), 11 – 20.
TOLHURST J., John Henry Newman and the Need for a Structured Ecclesial Community.
L’Osservatore Romano (1981) 26, 11.
TOLHURST J., Newman on Rationalism and Revelation.
Faith XIII (1981) 1, 9 – 13.
VELOCCI G., Attualità di J.H. Newman.
Libri IV (1981) 17, 29 – 32.
VELOCCI G., John Henry Newman Uomo ecumenico.
Ecclesiæ Mater XIX (1981) 1, 47 – 61.
WRIGHT J., Réflexions sur la pensée du Cardinal Newman sur l’evangélisation des premiers Apôtres.
Les Amitiés Sacerdotales XII (1981) 4, 2 – 8.