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College Composition and Communication, Vol. 31 (1980) 4, 402-412
CUNNEEN J. E., Newman’s Third Spring.
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SIEBENSCHUH W. R., Art and Evidence in Newman’s Apologia.
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TOON P., A Critical Review of John Henry Newman’s Doctrine of Justification.
The Churchman 94, (1980) 334-344.
STATEN H., Newman on Self and Society.
Studies in Romanticism Vol. 18, Victorian Romanticism II (Spring 1979) 1, 69-79.
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WALGRAVE J., De fundamentele spanningen in de geschiedenis van de Kerk: bedenkingen bij de inleiding op de “via media” van J.H. Newman.
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in: T. GERAETS. (Ed.), Rationality Today, The University Press, Ottawa 1979.