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Newsletter of the Friends of Cardinal Newman, September 2012, 2-3.
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NEWMAN J. H., Through the Year with Newman. Daily Readings.
Ed. By DIVE B., Burns Oates Continuum, London 2012, x+163. ISBN 978-082643919-2
CONLEY P. J., The ‘Kindly Lights’ of Conscience.
Newsletter of the Friends of Cardinal Newman, September 2012, 12-14.
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Forum Katholische Theologie, 28 (2012) 3, 185-200.
LAWLER-BRUNNER J. L., On new Rhetoric, John Henry Newman and the language of Metaphors: Implications for branding Higher Education.
Dissertation, Duquesne University 2012, 206 p.
BLAIR K., Form and Faith in Victorian Poetry and Religion.
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012, 212 p.