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Institut catholique de Paris 1974, 569 p.
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D.Phil., University of Oxford, 1974, xvii, 299 p.
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Thesis Diss. Phil. University of Oxford, 1974. xiii, 294 p.
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HENRY L. J., Newman and Development: The Genesis of John Henry Newman’s Theory of Development and the Reception of his Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine.
The University of Texas, Austin, 1973, 212 p.
MISNER P., Newman and the Tradition concerning the Papal Antichrist.
Church History 42 (S 1973) no 3, 377-395.
LAWRY J. S., Notes towards a Syntax for Assent in Newman’s Apologia,
Renascence 25 (1973) 129 – 145.
NAULTY R.A., Newman’s Dispute with Locke,
The Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1973) 453 – 477.
O’CONNELL M. R., Newman: The Limits of Certitude.
The Review of Politics, Vol. 35 (Apr., 1973) 2, 147-160.