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EVANS J. Wh., Lonergan and Newman on theology in the University.
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MULCAHEY D. Ch., The Prophetic Role of the Laity according to John Henry Cardinal Newman.
Dissertation. The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., 1969. 175 p.
ALTHOLZ J. L., On the Use of “Communicated” in the Rambler.
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Journal of British Studies, vol 7 (May 1968) 2, 92-113.
WALGRAVE J. H., La théorie newmanienne du développement dogmatique et la théologie liberale.
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MCELRATH D., Richard Simpson and John Henry Newman: The Rambler, Laymen, and Theology.
The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 52 (Jan., 1967) 4, 509-533.
PETITPAS H.M., Newman’s Idea of Science,
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