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The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., 1965, 196 p.
DELAURA D. J., Matthew Arnold and John Henry Newman The “Oxford Sentiment” and the Religion of the Future.
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ATKINS A., Newman’s Apologia and Lackmann’s Ecumenism.
Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 2 (Fall 1965) 3, 406-425.
NICHOLLS D., Newman’s Anglican Critics.
Anglican Theological Review, 47 (O 1965) 4, 377-395.
TREDWAY J. Th., Newman: Patristics, Liberalism and Ecumenism.
Christian Century, 82 (Ag 11 1965) 32, 987-989.
WILLIAMS J., John Henry Newman’s Consideration of Physical Education as a “Liberal Pursuit”.
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KLOCKER H.R., Newman and Causality,
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NÉDONCELLE M., L’Apologia dans l’histoire de l’autobiographie et de la théologie,
Interpretation der Welt (1965) 571 – 585.
PETITPAS H.M., Newman’s Personalism : A Precursor to Existentialism,
American Benedictine Review 16 (March 1965) 84 – 96.
WALGRAVE J.H., OP, John Henry Newman et le problème de l’université catholique,
Recherche et Culture (1965) 136 – 158.