CONNOLLY Fr. X., Newman and Science.
Thought, vol. 38 (1963) 1, 107 – 121.
BARRY G., Newman, and the Changing Scene in University Education.
International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l’Education, Vol. 9 (1963) 1, 1-11.
DE JONG S., Newman de opvoedkundige: pionier van de personalistische pedagogiek
Opvoedkundige brochurenreeks 214, Zwijsen, Tilburg 1963, 96 p.
DE SMET W., L’influence de Butler sur la théorie de la foi chez Newman,
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 39 (1963) 30 – 49.
NEWMAN J. H., Apologia Pro Vita Sua. ou História das minhas opiniões Religiosas.
Trad. F. Machado da Fonoseca, Edições Paulinas, Rio de Janeiro 1963, 433 p.
HOUGHTON E. Rh., “The British Critic” and the Oxford Movement.
Studies in Bibliography, Vol. 16 (1963) 119-137.
EIGELSHEIMER H., John Henry Newman und der reformatorische Protestantismus.
Frankfurt, Univ., Diss., 1963, p. 269.
LAHEY G., The Development of Newman’s Thought in Relation to his Time.
University of Oxford 1963, vii, 350 p.
DEEN Leonard W., The Rhetoric of Newman’s Apologia.
ELH, Vol. 29 (Jun., 1962) 2, 224-238.
MEYER N., Motives for a Christian life in the sermons of Cardinal Newman,
Pars dissertation, Pont. Athenaeum Antonianum, Teutopolis, Worman Printery, 1960, 48 p.