FIEDROWICZ M., “Ein akademisches System ohne persönliche Begegnung ist ein arktischer Winter.” Gedanken zur Bildung von John Henry Newman
Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift 130 (2021), pp. 361-368
FIEDROWICZ M., Sophisterei oder Bollwerk des Glaubens? John Henry Newman zur Ambivalenz der griechischen Philosophie in der arianischen Kontroverse
Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communio 50 (2021), pp. 370-379
VIALS J., St John Henry Newman & A Circle of Cheltenham Friends
St Gregory the Great Catholic Church, Cheltenham, March 2020, 36 pp.
GARCÍA RUIZ V., San John Henry Newman
Ensayo biográfico, San Pablo, Madrid 2020, 471 pp.
Newman Studies Journal
The National Institute for Newman Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 18, Issue 1, Summer 2021, 196 pp.
HIGGINS M. W., The Church Needs the Laity. The Wisdom of John Henry Newman
Paulist Press, New York / Mahwah, NJ 2021, 89 pp.
Salacz G. (Ed.), Szent John Henry Newman. Keresztény lélek
Szent Gellért Kiadó és Nyomda, Budapest 2020, 198 pp.
ROBERTS J. M. (Ed.), Ideas for Lent. 40 days with Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman
Civitas Dei Publications, United States of America 2020, 218 pp.
DIVE B., Through the Year with Newman. Daily Readings
Burns & Oates, London 2012, 163 pp.
SKINNER G., Dominic Barberi
Gracewing, Leominster 2021, 184 pp.