SCHMIDT St.G., “Ich selbst und mein Schöpfer”.
Die neue Ordnung 61 (2007) 1, 45-51.
HONORE J., Foreword,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 5-6.
BEAUMONT K., Introduction,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 9-19.
NOCKLES P., Newman and Oxford,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 21-46.
DECHANT M.B., Newman and Littlemore,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 47-59
HOEGEMANN B.M., Newman and Rome,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 61-81.
CHAVASSE P., Newman and Birmingham,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 83-98.
BOTTONE A., Newman and Dublin,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 99-112.
CHAVASSE P., Newman the preacher,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 117-129.
SHRIMPTON P., Newman the educator,
LEFEBVRE Philippe and MASON Colin (Eds.), John Henry Newman In his Time, Family Publications, Oxford 2007, 131-145.