MARR R., Ex Libris from the Writings of John Henry Newman
Pauline Books & Media, Boston 2019, 148 pp.
NEWMAN J. H., Certain Difficulties Felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching. Considered: 1. In Twelve Lectures addressed to the Party of the Religious Movement of 1833. Vol. I
With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Short and Textual Appendix by Andrew Nash. Gracewing, Leominster 2021, 514 pp.
SEDDON S., John Henry Newman. An English Saint
Don Bosco Publications, Bolton 2019, 36 pp.
FISHER A., Conscience, Relativism, and Truth: The Witness of Saint John Henry Newman
in: The Catholic University of America Press, Volume 18, Number 2, Spring 2020, pp. 337-353.
O’REILLY K., Heart Speaks to Heart. Saint John Henry Newman and the Call to Holiness
Gracewing, Leominster 2021.
CHRISTIE R. (Ed.), Saint John Henry Newman. Preserving and Promulgating His Legacy
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne 2019, 282 pp.
SOLARI G., Le cogito newmanien. La preuve du théisme.
Editions Hermann, Paris 2021, 196 pp.
TESTAFERRI F., Le prime biografie di J.H. Newman: una rassegna
in: Lateranum 3 (2020), 669-695 pp.
GRAHAM D., Ratzinger’s Reception of Newman on Conscience: Memory, History, Creation and Christ.
in: Communio 47/4 (Winter 2020), 1-41