ROWELL G., Tradition Renewed. The Oxford Movement Papers.

Longman & Todd, London 1986, pp. XVI+ 237.-SHARP R., New Perspectives on the High Church Tradition: Historical Background 1730 – 1780, 4 – 23.
-NOCKLES P. B., The Oxford Movement: Historical Background 1780 – 1833, 24 – 50.
-FULLER R. H., The Classical High Church Reaction to the Tractarians, 51 – 63.
-BORSCH F.H., Ye shall be Holy: Reflections on the Spirituality of the Oxford Movement, 64 – 77.
-HÄRDELIN A., The Sacraments in the Tractarian Spiritual Universe, 78 – 95.
-LOUTH A., The Nature of Theological Understanding: Some Parallels between Newman and Gadamer, 96 – 109.
-WEIL L., The Tractarian Liturgical Inheritance Re-assessed, 110 – 119.
SYKES S.W., GILLEY S.W. ‘No Bishop, No Church!’ The Tractarian Impact on Anglicanism, 120 – 139.
-NICHOLLS D., Two Tendencies in Anglo-Catholic Political Theology, 140 – 152.
PICKERING W. S. F., Anglo-Catholicism: Some Sociological Observations, 153 – 172.
-TOON P., Anglicanism in Popish Dress, 173 – 184.
-WAKEFIELD G, S., ‘A Mystical Substitute for the Glorious Gospel’? A Methodist critique of Tractarianism. pp. 185 – 198.
-LINDARS B., The Bible and the Call: The Biblical Roots of the Monastic Life in History and Today, 199 – 213.
-WARD B., A Tractarian Inheritance: The Religious Life in a Patristic Perspective, 214 – 225.
-ALLCHIN A. M., The Understanding of Unity in Tractarian Theology and Spirituality, 226 – 237.

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