BLOCK E., (Ed.), Critical Essays on John Henry Newman.

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English Literary Studies (Monograph Series No. 55), Victoria 1992, 138 pp.
– TENNYSON G.B., Removing the Veil: Newman as a Literary Artist, 7-21.
– BLOCK E., Venture and Response: The Dialogical Strategy of Newman’s Loss and Gain, 23-38.
– WATERMAN WARD B., Newman’s Grammar of Assent and the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 39-54.
– GOODWIN G., Problems in Newman Biography: The Theology School Scheme and the Foundation of the Oratory at Birmingham, 55-74.
– GOSLEE D., Newman, Gibbon, and New-Testament Christianity, 75-87.
– WHEELER M., The Dream of Gerontius: From Verse Drama to Music Drama, 89-103.
– MILLER E.J., Newman on Conscience and Lonergan on Conversion: The Shadow of Plato, 105-119.
– SCHMIDT P.H., The Struggle for Continuity of Being in Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua, 121-138.