National Institute for Newman Studies,

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Pittsburgh PA, Newman Studies Journal Vol 4/1 Spring 2007.
– FORD John T., Editorial Preface, 3-4.
– MORGAN D., John Henry Newman – Doctor of Conscience: Doctor of the Church?, 5-23.
– REAM T.C., Tales from two Cities: The Evolving Identity of John Henry Newman’s „The Idea of a University“, 24-37.
– EADES M., Newman’s Adaptation of Bacci’s „The Life of St. Philip Neri“, 38-54.
– ROSENBERG R.S., Newman on the Relationship between Natural and Revealed Religion: His „University Sermons“ and the „Grammar of „Assent“, 55-68.
– MADDOX M.M, Newman: Certain Knowledge and „The Problem of the Criterion“, 69-86.
– CALLAM D., Pastoral Vignette, Newman’s Sense of the Real, 87-89.