BOYCE P., Newman’s Reception into the Catholic Church: its Message and Relevance:
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 85 (1996) 211-221.
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 85 (1996) 211-221.
The Newman Rambler 1 (1996) 12-13.
clarifying some ambiguities: Horizons 23 (1996) 261-280.
Renovatio 52 (2/1996), 75-80.
Vita e Pensiero 59 (1996) 784-794.
The Latin Mass Fall 1996, 43-46.
Newmaniana 19 (1996) 16-24.
Occasional Publications of the Pitts Theology Library Atlanta 1996, v + 33 pp.
The Heythrop Journal (Oxford) 37 (1996) 437-455.
Studia Canonica (Ottawa) 30 (1996) 117-132.