HODGE R., What is Conscience for?
St Paul’s, Slough 1995, 319 pp. (pp. 205-230 concerning Newman)
St Paul’s, Slough 1995, 319 pp. (pp. 205-230 concerning Newman)
Affinities with John Henry Newman. vol. Vol/Bd. 525, European University Studies XXIII, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt 1995 pp. 206.
Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Navarre 1995, 247 pp.
Eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung der Genese seines Priesterbildes im Kontext. Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 23, Theologie. Bd. 526. Peter Lang, Frankfurt 1995, 322 pp.
Provincia della Presentazione di Maria SS. dei Padri Passionisti, Roma 1995, 67 pp.
(Roman Catholic Studies, 7). Lewiston NY, Queenston – Lampeter, Mellen 1995, 268 pp.
Liefde overwint angst. Averbode, Kampen 1995, 210 pp.
T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1995, 174 pp.
In The Tradition of English Catholicism, Scolar Press, Aldershot 1995, 162 pp.
A Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Extractum ex Dissertatione ad Lauream, Pontificia. Universitas S. Thoma Aq. In Urbe, Roma 1995, 261 pp.