MAS CASSANELLES R., El influjo del Evangelio y de los santos:
Laus 294 (1994) 15-22 (63-70).
Laus 294 (1994) 15-22 (63-70).
La Croix (18.4.1994) 12.
Mijn favoriete heilige: Getuigenis van Gods Liefde katholiek magazine 9/4 (1994) 36-37.
L’Osservatore Romano Nr. 181 (7 August 1994) 4.
– August 11th 1994 (Newman and Mark Pattison): Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter (Autumn 1994) 3.
October 8, 1994 (The Garden): Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter (Christmas 1994) 3.
Introduction, notices et coordination par Pierre GAUTHIER, Textes, Editions du Cerf, Paris 1994, 345 pp.
Catholic Truth Society, London, Second Edition 1994, 142 pp.
With an Introduction and Notes by Stanley L. JAKI, Real-View-Books, Fraser, Michigan 1994, xli + XIV + 287 pp.
Edited by Ian KER, Penguin Books, London 1994, 561 pp.