SIEBENROCK R., Glaube, Wahrheit und Leben – Newmans Antwort an Lyotard:
KNA – ÖKI 39, 22. September 1993, 5-15.
KNA – ÖKI 39, 22. September 1993, 5-15.
Rest Upon a Mistake?: Horizons (Villanova, Pennsylvania) 20 (1993) 2, 234-240.
De noodzaak van de antropologische bezinning in het denken van J.H. Newman: Communio 18 (1993) 299-311
Salmanticensis (Salamanca) 40 (1993) 57-67.
Honest to God: Scriptorum Victoriense (Victoria) 40 (1993) 511-526.
on the 103rd anniversary of Cardinal Newman’s death, August 11, 1993: Friends of Cardina] Newman Newsletter, Summer 1993, 5-6.
An update by Fr Vincent Blehl: America, 25th September 1993; Briefing, 14th October 1993, 15-17; Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter, Christmas 1993, 4-5.
The 1990 Assumptiontide Lecture, Parish Church of S. Mary and All Saints, Walsingham, Birmingham, 7 pp.
Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter, Spring 1993,7-9.
France Catholique, No 2428, 3 décembre 1993, 16-17.