GUITTON J., Un anti-lutero per il XXI secolo.
30 giorni (maggio 1990) 62-65.
30 giorni (maggio 1990) 62-65.
France Catholique (27.07.1990) 3p.
Sceptre Bulletin Glasgow XV/146 (July/August 1990).
Published in Mayalam. Satyadeeoam (Catholic Weekly), Kerala (23rd May 1990) 3-9.
Messaggero di Sant’Antonio 12 (1990) 36-37.
Catholic Truth Society, London 1990, 24 pp.
Edited by K. and G. DEAN, The Thomas More Press, Chicago 1990, 115 pp.
Edited by V.F. BLEHL, The Oratory, Birmingham 1990, V+33 pp.
Abete Graphica s.p.a., Roma 1990, V+33 pp.
The Oratory, Birmingham 1990, V+33 pp.